Off the Purple Pissant, SOON! Formed in 1994. Very little info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Augustus, during a conversation with Nemesis: > A man named Jason Braunsworth started a JAO named M.A.U.L., >MidWesterners Against Ugly Lizards. Another org named OPPS surfaced at >this time as did several other pseudo-JAOs. (Note: I don't have any >materials on OPPS or other orgs that didn't survive this era, hence the >chronology is a best-guestimate on the Historian's part.) Bad guess. Both MAUL (the "M" originally stood for "Minnesotans") and OPPS predate this period. A fellow by the name of Eric Oppen (whose address was cc697@cleveland.Freenet.Edu in an old FAQ) ran OPPS. MAUL is very old, it was around when I joined the Jihad. OPPS comes from the summer of 1994.