Waking Up...

Your eyelids slowly flutter open to a vast expanse of bright white light. You rub your eyes gingerly, as wave of grogginess washes over you, then squint against the harsh light.

As you attempt to get your eyes to function properly, you realize that you are lying on a very hard and cold tile floor. You roll to your side, still rubbing sleepiness away from your eyes, and find yourself gazing at a sterile white floor.

Your head is throbbing and pounding like a jungle rhythm. Oh, man, that must have been some party.

Sitting up, you hear a click-clack-CLUNK from behind you, then a couple voices.

"He's coming to," observes the first.

"About damn time... get him on the next shuttle out of here," comes another.

"But.. But... but..." you stammer.

"No buts, and no spongin," says the first voice again. The force and volume of your voice makes your head thump like there's a live-stage sized subwoofer built inside it thumping at maximum volume. Without further debate on the matter, you are dragged back to a shuttle and whisked efficiently back to where you met the big guy... sometime, anyway...

There goes that opportunity.

Back to Base Delta

Fleet Commander Samhain