Waking Up...

Your eyelids slowly flutter open to a vast expanse of bright white light. You rub your eyes gingerly as wave of grogginess washes over you. You try desperately to squint your eyes shut, yet somehow they just keep seeming to bulge forward out of your skull, remaining wide open.

As you attempt to get your eyes to function properly, you realize that you are lying on a very hard and cold tile floor. You roll to your side, and sit up, muscles and eyelids twitching wildly. Wow! look at all the colors! Yellows, Oranges, Reds, Blues... the whole rainbow is flying around here!

You run around the room, frantically trying to capture and taste all the vivid colors drifting about you. Occasionally, you run smack into some unseen obstacle. If you didn't know better, you'd think it was a padded wall. Oh, no matter. Look at the colors!

Suddenly you hear voices from one side of you.

"Hey, he's awake! And running around!" calls out once voice.

The colors seem to flow towards the voice. Hastily, you chase them out the door.

"Look out! He's running out the door!"

You feel some brief jostling as if you ran smack into someone at full tilt, but keep running.

Suddenly, you feel a sharp blow to the base of your neck, and you're out like a light...

The next time you wake up, you find yourself face down on some very rough pavement. You manage to lift your face out of the asphalt just in time to see an odd looking shuttle taking off again behind you.

So much for that adventure.

Back to Base Delta

Fleet Commander Samhain