Burgermasterblaster (tm) -- this was the first major success of W.E.D.J.E.E. Before we were well-known, our security was rather lax and the prototype of the weapon was stolen by SM forces. It was recovered by Arsenal the Lone Warrior and returned to W.E.D.J.E.E. HQ (where security had been infinitely improved) for mass production. In return, he got the first Burgermasterblaster (tm) off the assembly line. What does it do? It turns SMs into grease-dripping, hot, ready to eat bacon double cheeseburgers--the favorite of the C-in-C of W.E.D.J.E.E.
Supershakersoaker (tm) -- converted versions of the commercially available supersoakers. Designed to spray SMs with a stream of refrigerated McD's shake, either killing them instantly or despongifying.
Blend. Drink. Be happy. Makes 2 servings (fills a blender perfectly!)
If you answered "yes" to numbers one thru 3, you have what it takes. Number 4 is not a requirement, but it much improves your chances of getting through our background checks and getting in. Further, if you want to join, you are encouraged to read the FAQ of the Doberman Empire. If both groups sound good, apply to both groups. For W.E.D.J.E.E., send mail to Sir Galand (steve_scott@mail.utexas.edu) with some background information and reasons for wanting to join. For fastest response, put "W.E.D.J.E.E. assignment request" on the subject line.