WEDJEE Powered Armored Battlesuits
- These were designed and created by Doberman Warrior Ashur
Galand (Then Trooper Ashur) for use in battling the Purple One's
armies. They come in three flavors: Boomer-Class Despongifier,
Ginsu-Class RazorArmor, and Reaper-Class Assault Suit.
- Boomer-Class Despongifier: An Armored suit with
Sponge-Seeker missile launcher, pulse blaster, and a removable/
retractable ion blade all mounted into the arms, this one is
somewhat weak for combat. Its main purpose is held in the twin 5 MW
speakers mounted on the shoulders, along with the mega-amp located
on the back, all powered by the suit's nuclear accelerator. Located
in the chest and heavily armored is a 5 disc CD changer (10 - 50
Disc available on request) which, when stuffed chock full of Good
Music(tm) will either bring a Spongie a long way towards normalcy,
or explode his head. Either way, you win!
- Ginsu-Class RazorArmor This one is much meaner than the
Boomer, with twin Laserblades located in each arm. These can be
removed and converted to use as blasters with an effective range of
300 M. In Porcupine Mode, 8-in curved Adamantium blades extend from
the suit at 2-in intervals, all edges facing outward. Provides and
effective deterrent to any would-be closerange attacker. Whirling
Death Mode: four Laserblades (blade mode only) extend for a 6 ft
length from the abdominal section. This section then rotates at
approximately 500 RPM, causing an effect not unlike sticking a
Spongie in a blender ('cept YOU are the blender! (snicker))
- Reaper-Class Assualt Suit: This is the Big Boy...Heavily
armored, extremely mobile, and chock full of the latest weapon
technology, including a Particle Beam Cannon and Photon Grenade
Launchers, this thing is capable of causing massive amounts of
destruction in a short amount of time. As you guessed, it does have
a special mode like the other two, but that is still classified
information. ;)
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