=-=-=FAQ=-=-= |
9) Are there any subset parts of the Empire?
- There's the Church of Grimace, which we've already dealt with.
There is also WEDJEE, or Weapons Engineering and Development for
Jihad Expeditionary Efforts, headed by Centurion Cerberus, which is a
Jihad weapons technology developmental group. This was formerly an
independent organisation until Commander Samhain (aka Captain
Blackheart) and Trooper Charcaradon (head of Research and
Development) joined the Empire. They have
their own FAQ
floating about; see Centurion Cerberus, galant Commander of WEDJEE
for more info.
- Also, we have Dobintell, which is the intelligence and special
ops branch of the empire, and WALRUS, or Water Attack Land Raiding
Utility Soldier, and MEDIC, or Medical Emergency Disaster
Insurgence Centurion, and of course, WEDJEE.
Enough for now; I'd like to return to
Base Delta.
Continue on to part 10 of the FAQ
---Fleet Commander Aurelius Invid Manticore Samhain