You Wander Off...

After some fidgeting with the various buttons and gizmos on the console next to the door, you finally manage to figure out how to open it. As it turned out, it was a lot more obvious than you thought--you discovered the key accidentally when muttering about it not opening. As soon as you said the word "open," voila, the door slid open. Nothing like modern technology.

Having already seen what's one way (and suspecting those guards could just be sitting around the corner anyway) you judiciously decide to head off in the opposite direction.

As you wander down the hallway, you notice that there are quite a few more rooms in this section just like yours. It's a pretty plush section of guest quarters, apparently. Ahh, well, the corridors are empty and the carpet on the floor is muffling your footsteps to almost nothingness anyway.

As you round a corner, continuing your exploration of the labarynthine corridors of the headquarters, you suddenly find yourself lying on the floor after a fist slammed into your nose and knocked you flat.

As the world wavers before your eyes, you hear a few voices around you.

"Foolish Spongin..."

"Take him to sector DSP-3A."

"Wait! Lemme give him some of this first..."

You feel a needle pierce your upper arm, and suddenly lapse from consciousness.


Back to Base Delta

Fleet Commander Samhain